Ruby Buckwheat

Last summer, I grew a cover crop in what was my garlic bed. After the garlic harvest, I planted Takane Ruby Buckwheat and California Blackeyed Peas to enrich the soil. I chose the colorful buckwheat because I thought it would be a pretty step up from the standard white buckwheat cover crop.

We just don't get enough hot days for the blackeyed peas to thrive, so though they germinated and grew a bit, they never made much of a dent against the buckwheat. The buckwheat, on the other hand, grew into a huge crimson-stemmed cloud covered with dark pink flowers. When backlit, the whole bed glowed like stained glass, the light warming up the semi-translucent red stems and lime green leaves. My neighbors asked me what the flowers were because they were so pretty. Buckwheat, really?

I saved seeds last year to plant again this year, this time around a row of black felt grow-bags. I hoped that the plants would grow and hide the ugliness of the bags, and perhaps shade the bags' surfaces later in the season, when it really warms up and plants' roots may suffer. They seem to be doing that job.

Buckwheat around black felt grow-bags.

This summer, I've had a bit of time to really sit in my garden. Right now, my favorite spot to sit is in a little corner of mulch, a giant catnip plant in bloom to my left, the cloud of buckwheat straight ahead, and just to my right, scenting the whole garden, a clump of naked ladies (Amaryllis belladonna). There's a whole lot of pink in this spot, but more interesting than that, this corner of the garden is abuzz. Bees, wasps, hoverflies, moths, butterflies, bumblebees: it's a pollinator frenzy. If I sit still and just wait, I lose track of how many different insect species I observe. 

Hoverfly on ruby buckwheat flower.

Honeybee on ruby buckwheat flower.

I've also learned this year that the buckwheat makes a superb cut flower, lasting a long time in a vase and providing lots of visual interest with its contrasting stems, leaves, and flowers.

Could I harvest seeds (groats), grind them and use the flour? Maybe. I've read about it. That would take quite a bit of seed though, and I'm not sure I would ever have a large enough quantity to make anything. No matter. Without providing food for our kitchen, this plant still has plenty of purpose.

Young groats are just forming on these flowers.

Maturing groats.


Michelle said…
That is a big step up from the usual white flowering buckwheat. Gorgeous. I had no idea that buckwheat makes a good cut flower. I'll have to track down some seeds.
Rick said…
Where did you get your seed? I have been trying to get some in bulk but I can only find it in seed packs.


Rick Dial
Christina said…
Hi Rick. I bought two packs a couple years ago from Baker Creek. I saved seed for the quantities that I wanted. Luckily, it only takes a season to turn a single pack into a quart of seed.

Good luck in your search for bulk seed!
Anonymous said…
Hi, roughly how high does it grow? Couldn't find this info on Baker Creek
Christina said…
Hi Anonymous! The tallest it gets at my house is about 2 feet, but usually shorter. It's a beautiful plant.
AJK said…
Hi Christina, Janice here from SoCal! Got some of this Takane Ruby buckwheat seeds from a friend (in it's original package from RareSeeds) and they bloomed beautiful pink flowers, I saved the seeds and replanted immediately as they came, and the flowers were light pink, not dark pink like the parents. I've not planted any normal (white flowering) varieties of buckwheat in my garden. I wonder why they are getting more pale each generation... hmmm. Maybe neighbors have normal varieties? I don't know. Hope you are well! Miss our garden chats.
Christina said…
@AJK: Hi Janice! I hope you're doing well! I don't know why your buckwheat has lightened in multiple generations other than your thought, that maybe neighbors have white buckwheat. No one is growing this species of buckwheat around me, and mine has stayed deep colored through multiple generations.
Anonymous said…
You know how hydrangeas are white to pink to blue, depending on pH levels in soil? I wonder if that might be a factor in your buckwheat? I think mare alkaline levels favored deeper pinks. Worth a test?

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