Banana Blossom

Recently I shared a photo elsewhere of the banana blooming right now in my back yard, and my friend replied with one word: sexy.

So here it is, in all its sexiness, a blooming banana.


They are rather lush and beautiful when seen from the angles you've captured them at. What kind? When I lived in East LA I had a grove of banana trees. Mine were tiny Plantains. Not very sweet. But when neighbors would see me out trimming, they'd send their kids over to grab the leaves. They used them for tamales
Christina said…
PA: I have three different mats of bananas, and this one was gifted to me as Blue Java, aka Ice Cream. However, I'm having my doubts, as the flower doesn't seem to have as much of a blue blush as I expected the Blue Java to have. If it isn't a Blue Java, it is a Goldfinger. Either way, both are tasty varieties. I'm excited, as it will be my first home-grown crop of 'naners.
Michelle said…
I think I would be out looking at that at least three times every day to check on the progress, it's beautiful! Is that nectar drops that I see? Sexy indeed.
Christina said…
Michelle: Yes, that is nectar that drips from the flowers. They're incredibly luxurious. And I'm out there all the time checking on the flower spike's changes and developments.
Unknown said…
I have never seen that before...NICE. It is sexy!
Deepa said…
What absolutely beautiful photographs! I've long had a banana post in mind, working its way into coherence. Could we find a way to share the images or collaborate on this? I'd love that!
Christina said…
Deepa: Yes, I'd love to collaborate with you on a banana post! I just discovered your site yesterday and am already really enjoying it. Drop me an email at niezcka (AT) gmail (DOT) com and let me know what you were thinking for the banana post.

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